by nulogik | Oct 27, 2020 | Media
A huge congratulation to our very own RC-APD Chief Investigator Associate Professor Tara Pukala, on her election results as the next Australian and New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry (ANZSMS) president! Well done Tara! To find out more about Dr Pukala, please...
by nulogik | Apr 2, 2020 | Media
Researchers in Adelaide are working on turning mushroom waste into items like sunscreen, skincare products and coating for outdoor furniture coating. The research will help growers convert waste into something valuable.Prof Vincent Bulone The idea is to substitute...
by nulogik | Oct 22, 2019 | Launch
Prof V Bulone and Mr D Pisoni MP at the official launch of the Research Consortium for Agricultural Product Development. South Australian Minister for Innovation and Skills the Hon. David Pisoni today officially launched the $10.9 million Research Consortium Program...
by nulogik | Oct 20, 2019 | Media
Professor Vincent Bulone Director of the Research Consortium for Agricultural Product Development featured on the South Australian Country Hour, hosted by Isabella Pittaway. The discussion included sunscreen made from mushroom waste and high-tech materials from...
by nulogik | Aug 24, 2018 | Media
The Research Consortium for Agricultural Product Development (RC APD) was granted $4 million over four years (2019-2022) by the State Government through its Research Consortia Program. It will bring together a total of 18 partners to develop high-value products from...